Every Jewish Child Deserves a Jewish Education

Arizal's mission is to help families successfully enroll their children, that would otherwise be in the public stream, attend Jewish day schools that best suit their values.


Breaking Down the Financial Barriers to a Jewish Education

At Arizal we believe that every single Jewish child, deserves a Jewish education regardless of their socio-economic background.

…Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav; But the name of that man is to be blessed, to wit R' Yehoshua ben Gamla, for without him the Torah would be forgotten in Israel. For at first if a child had a father, his father taught him Torah and if he had no father he did not study…They then made an ordinance that teachers of children should be appointed in Yerushalayim…Still if a child had a father, the father took him to Yerushalayim…and if not he would not go…

They therefore ordained that teachers should be appointed in each district…and if the teacher punished them they would rebel and leave…Until R' Yehoshua ben Gamla came and ordained the institution of teachers for children in every district and town.

Talmud Bava Batra 21a